AsciidocToGo User Manual

AsciidocToGo is still under development and not .


AsciidocToGo is delivered as a ZIP file at the moment. Due to the "install by use" feature of miktex it is suggested to install AsciidocToGo NOT in the default programm folder (e. g. C:\Program Files").

AsciidocToGo doesn’t need elavated rights (administration rights) to run.

Nonetheless if you like to install the context menu shortcut for txt files in windows explorer, asciidoctogo_register.exe needs admin rights.

How to install

  1. Unzip the AsciidocToGo package in: C:\ProgramsDev\AsciidocToGo

  2. Open AsciidocToGo

  3. Goto the options tab and click the button
    "Create registry based context menu handler in Windows Explorer for AsciidocToGo"
    Check the information in "Conext menu handler for windows explorer" if this doesn’t work.


  • Open AsciidocToGo and select the source file or

  • Right click on a txt file in windows explorer and select AsciidocToGo.


AsciidocToGo contains three tabs.

Asciidoc (HTML)

This tab is used to convert txt files to html files.


The input txt file.


The output html file.

Checkbox "Debug Output"

This enables the logging feature of asciidoc.

Checkbox "Embed content"

Activates asciidoc data-uri feature. This let asciidoc create one html files with all resources included.

Checkbox "Add table of content"

Activates the generation of the table of content / index.

Command Line

The command line given to asciidoc. You can add special asciidoc commands here.

Execute Webbrowser…

Enter the full path name to the webbrowser to show the generated document after conversion.

A2X (Docbook/PDF)

Page to convert txt files to docbook based pdf files.


The input txt file.


The output html file.

Checkbox "Debug Output"

This enables the logging feature of asciidoc.

Command Line

The command line given to a2x. You can add special asciidoc commands here.

Execute PDF-Viewer…

Enter the full path name to the pdf viewer to show the generated document after conversion.


Conext menu handler for windows explorer

If you want to install the right click context menu handler for *.txt files to start asciidoc, do the following:

  1. start asciidoctogo and go to the options tab.

  2. then click "create registry based context menu handler…".

It this fails the user doesn’t have the neccessary rights to execute asiicdoctogo_regsiter.exe. If you need to register as a different user, do the following steps:

  1. press the shift key down and right click on asciidoctogo_register.exe

  2. Select "run as a different user"

  3. Enter username and password and press OK/run.


Things that have to be done:

  • English correction by native speaker and translation.

  • Support AsciiMathML, LatexMathML and LatexMath (latex2png).

  • Create an option dialog for path configuration.

  • AsciidocToGo projects files to save settings with the txt file.

  • Support different browsers

  • Replace miktex against a smaller sized LaTeX distribution.

  • Provide a AsciidocToGo editor.

  • Create a MAC version of AsciidocToGo