:ascii-ids: == General AsciiDoc2Go is a portable version of asciidoc with all necessary software components included in one package. == Motivation for AsciidocToGo The first steps with asciidoc are pretty easy. Just grab python and asciidoc and you are done. If you would like to use the more advanced features and optional packages like syntax highlighting for source code or the diagram tools like dot, blockdiag, mathplotlib, etc. it becomes pretty hard to get the job done. Also some filters needs external programms and asciidoc is not very verbose about what dependencies have to be solved. A lot of the software delivered with AsciidocToGo was found by source code analysis. It will go even worse if one would like to create docbook pdf's, because a complete LaTeX-Toolchain is needed and the dblatex installer is/was broken. AsciidocToGo have all this in a predefined environment and adds also a shell menu in the windows explorer, so that you can just right click a txt file and create a document out of it. It takes over a month to create the AsciidocToGo package as it is now. == About AsciidocToGo Projectwebsite:: http://dbcb.github.io/asciidocToGo Repository:: https://github.com/dbcb/asciidocToGo License:: link:./license.html[AsciidocToGo and third party packages Licenses] User Manual:: link:./Manual.html[] == Included Software packages * link:https://www.python.org/[python 2.7.6] * link:http://www.asciidoc.org[Asciidoc 8.6.9] * link:http://www.miktex.org/download[Miktex 2.9.5105] * link:http://www.research.att.com/software_tools?fbid=hCb8eyIXDJA[graphviz 2.3.8] * link:http://www.andre-simon.de/doku/highlight/en/highlight.php[highlight 3.1.8] * link:http://matplotlib.org/downloads.html[mathplotlib 1.3.1] * link:http://www.numpy.org/[numpy 1.8.1 (1)] link:http://volnitsky.com/project/mplw[numpy 1.8.1 (2)] * mpl SHA-1:75f0d009629f93f33fab04b83faca20cc35dd358:: * link:https://www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk/personal/drw/lm.html[mathml] * link:http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html[xsltproc 1.1.26] * link:http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/#files[docbook 1.78.1] * link:http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/[dblatex 0.3.4] * link:http://lynx.isc.org/release/,https://sites.google.com/site/fredlwm/lynx.zip[lynx 2.8.8] * link:https://code.google.com/p/asciidoc-diag-filter/downloads/list[diag_filter] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blockdiag[blockdiag 1.3.3] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.4.0[Pillow 2.4.0] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/actdiag/[actdiag 0.5.1] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/seqdiag/[seqdiag 0.9.0] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nwdiag/[nwdiag 1.0.0] * link:https://pypi.python.org/simple/webcolors[Webcolors 1.4] * funcparserlib 0.3.6 * pyparsing 2.0.2 * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six[six 1.7.2] * link:http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide[PySide 1.2.2] * link:http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/[ply 3.4] * link:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#windows-7-or-graphical-install[setuptool 4.0.1] === Not (yet) included Software Packages * w3m:: http://sourceforge.net/projects/w3m/files/w3m/ + Lynx is used instead * epubcheck:: https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck + This programm needs java and i don't want to include another scripting language. * dita 0.9:: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ditaa/files/ditaa/0.9/ditaa0_9.zip/download * LatexMathML, AsciimathML:: The option "-a asciimath" doesn't work. * Latexmath:: Needs latex2png -> Next version == TODO: qrencode: https://code.google.com/p/qrencode-win32/ == MikTex Some packages are missing in miktex and have to be manually installed. * See: http://latex-community.org/home/news/46-news-latex-distributions/469-miktex-amsmath Install them with mpm_mfc_admin.exe! Miktex can't install packages: * http://entangled.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/installation-of-miktex-2-8-failed/#comment-1748 == Example of AsciidocToGo === Source Code Highlighting AsciidocToGo use highlight.exe for syntax highlighting of source code [source,C++] ------------------------------------------- int Test(void) { // SomeCode } ------------------------------------------- === Mathplotlib AsciidcoToGo has build in support for mathplotlib // dblatex doesn't allow rel. path here ["mpl", "example_sin.png"] ------------------------------------------- figure(figsize=(4,2)) # PNG size, inches X = arange(0, 6, 0.1) # 0, 0.1, 0.2 ... 6.0 Y = sin(X) # vector op plot(X,Y) ------------------------------------------- // dblatex doesn't allow rel. path here === Graphviz (Dot) Diagramms printed with dor ["graphviz", "example_dot.png"] ------------------------------------------- digraph test123 { "Change Request" -> "Validation" -> "Implementation"; "Validation" -> "Change Request"; } ------------------------------------------- === Blockdiag Diagramms printed with blockdiag. Refer to the following link for more examples: link:http://blockdiag.com/en/blockdiag/examples.html#simple-diagram[Examples] ["blockdiag", target="images/example-blockdiag.svg"] ------------------------------------------- blockdiag { // branching edges to multiple children A -> B, C; // branching edges from multiple parents D, E -> F; } ------------------------------------------- === actdiag Diagramms printed with actdiag. Refer to the following link for more examples: link:http://blockdiag.com/en/actdiag[Examples] ["actdiag", target="images/example-actdiag.svg"] ------------------------------------------- actdiag { write -> convert -> image lane user { label = "User" write [label = "Writing reST"]; image [label = "Get diagram IMAGE"]; } lane actdiag { convert [label = "Convert reST to Image"]; } } ------------------------------------------- === SeqDiag Seqdiag Is a dRawing engine for sequence diagrams. Refer to link:http://blockdiag.com/en/seqdiag/examples.html#simple-diagram["Seqdiag Webpage"] ["seqdiag", target="images/example-seqdiag.svg"] ------------------------------------------- seqdiag { browser -> webserver [label = "GET /index.html"]; browser <-- webserver; browser -> webserver [label = "POST /blog/comment"]; webserver -> database [label = "INSERT comment"]; webserver <-- database; browser <-- webserver; } ------------------------------------------- === NwDiag NwDiag is used to draw network related stuff like: * Networks topology, * IP-Ranges, * Protocols, * ... Refer to link:http://blockdiag.com/en/nwdiag/nwdiag-examples.html["nwdiag website"] ["nwdiag", target="images/example-nwdiag.svg"] ------------------------------------------- nwdiag { inet [shape = cloud]; inet -- router; network { router; web01; web02; } } ------------------------------------------- === PacketDiag PacketDiag is a diagramm tool for any kind of digital network protocols. Please refer to: link:http://blockdiag.com/en/nwdiag/packetdiag-examples.html[PacketDiag Website] ["packetdiag", target="images/example-packetdiag.svg"] ------------------------------------------- packetdiag { colwidth = 32 node_height = 72 0-15: Source Port 16-31: Destination Port 32-63: Sequence Number 64-95: Acknowledgment Number 96-99: Data Offset 100-105: Reserved 106: URG [rotate = 270] 107: ACK [rotate = 270] 108: PSH [rotate = 270] 109: RST [rotate = 270] 110: SYN [rotate = 270] 111: FIN [rotate = 270] 112-127: Window 128-143: Checksum 144-159: Urgent Pointer 160-191: (Options and Padding) 192-223: data [colheight = 3] } -------------------------------------------